How to get rid of stagefright virus
How to get rid of stagefright virus

Your phone's internal storage media is divided into several partitions, most are dedicated solely to the operating system and one is just for storing user data and things. Your phone's Android operating system cannot just magically restore itself if it's indeed completely deleted. If that were true, that 'everything' is wiped from the internal storage media, this means there would also be no operating system either. So the fallacy that a Factory Reset wipes 'everything' just isn't a reality. So if it was running 7.1.1 before the Factory Reset, it will still be running 7.1.1 after the Factory Reset. It would remain running the version of Nougat it was before the actual Factory Reset is done. Your phone would not revert back to its originally installed version of Marshmallow. Then later on you had to do a Factory Reset for whatever reason. Just as an example, if you bought a phone running Marshmallow (version 6.x.x) and it was at some point upgraded to Nougat (version 7.x.x).

how to get rid of stagefright virus how to get rid of stagefright virus

A Factory Reset clears off user data, it does nothing to the operating system. That's an often repeated but incorrect statement. Click to expand.No a Factory Reset does NOT return the Android operating system on your phone back to its original state.

How to get rid of stagefright virus